Zion Youth Ministry
How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. Psalm 119:9
Our Program
Youth group takes place Wednesday's at 7pm.
As teens, young men and women begin taking their first steps into greater responsibility, independence, and new adventures. For all our lives, the Word of God must be hidden in our hearts; but especially during these formative years. Our conviction for the youth, the next generation of the church, is not for them to be hearers only but doers of God's Word.
To this end, we:
Teach teens like we teach adults: line by line through the Bible; knowing God's Word so they can know God.
Strengthen the faith of our teens so they can strengthen each other.
Create opportunities for teens to live out their faith, enjoy fellowship, and have fun!
Youth Pastor
Rollin White is the youth pastor at CCSM. He and his wife Julie are passionate about teaching our youth. Originally from New York state, they felt called to move here and join the leadership team at CCSM. They bring an excitement to our youth ministry and our youth absolutely love them!